Sunday, May 14, 2006
DJ & Toyota Teaming Up in 2007
First I want to wish all the wonderful Mother's out there a Happy Mother's Day.
Now, onto business:
Well as everyone probably knows by now, DJ will be joining Toyota and Michael Waltrip in 2007 for his last two years in racing. Was this a smart move for DJ? There are so many opinions out there but the one that really matters is DJ's. Remember, this is his career and the path he is choosing for the remainder of his career.
DJ is not having the success that all of us want to see as a member of RYR. Let us look at the big picture, the Yates teams are just not performing. This is not to say it is the drivers, it is far from it. They have the engines, just look at the Roush cars and how well they are performing. It is the dynamics of the cars that Yates are developing. DJ said at the end of last year that they have alot of work to do with the new Fusion and the downforce issues. You would think they would of listened to Dale but obiviously they didn't.
I will be a DJ fan no matter what kind of car he drives. Just because it is not a Ford, doesn't make him a bad driver, he is doing what is best for his family and his career. Toyota will gain a lot from his experience and background. DJ is not doing it for the money, unlike what alot of people think. DJ does not need the money and he does the sport because of the love he has for racing. Perhaps other drivers and athletes should take lessons from DJ.
DJ...I am behind you 110% and you will always be my driver! Guess next year I have to redesign my site due to all the new Toyota stuff coming down line...LOL
Well everyone, have a wonderful day!!!
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
RYR -vs- Toyota...Who Will Be Victorious?
This topic that has been running amuck in the headlines has really gotten me torn. In a way, I want to see DJ stay with RYR but another part of me wants him to join Toyota. You have probably read the headlines and all the pro's and con's to this issue.
DJ's stock went up big time once Kevin Harvick, who was rumored to be looking at Toyota, signed his extension with RCR. DJ is on the top of the list. if DJ leaves RYR, UPS will follow suit. Too much has been built between UPS and Dale that I don't see them staying with Yates. Who will Yates pick up as another driver? I am not sure of the answer to that question due to the lack of available drivers and I would like to see Elliott Sadler get a great teammate that he has in DJ.
I think DJ will go to Toyota. He has expressed concerned with the down force issues with the Fusion but here we are coming into the 10th race of the season, and the Yates cars just are not cutting it. The engines are not the problem due to the lack of mechanical problems but lets see, we look over at Roush Racing and their Fusions do not seem to have those issues, their drivers are getting results. This is not to say it is that DJ and Elliott are not driving their cars hard, it is something wrong with the cars themselves, maybe Yates should team up with Roush and these issues, heck they are partners in the engines and look how they are performing.
Toyota needs a driver like to DJ to bring them into the sport. His experience alone will greatly enhance their program. It will only be 2 years for DJ till he retires but just think how much can be gained in those 2 years. I don't expect Toyota to do great things right off the bat but look at how they are doing in the Truck Series, it is just a matter of time before the Camry will be upfront if not upfront right out of the gate.
It will be sad to see DJ leave Yates, but I believe DJ will do what is best for his family and the remainder of his career and will retire gracefully.
Well that is my opinion on this subject and I do wish DJ all the luck in his decision. As a avid fan of DJ, I will follow him no matter what he is driving, even if it is a Toyota Tundra...LOL
Take care everyone.
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