Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Oil price passes $99 per barrel - Yahoo! Finance


Oh great, here we go again with the rise in gasoline prices. With the problems over in Libya, the stock market is seeing its effect and all of us will be feeling it very soon. It is expected that gas prices will hit close to $5.00 a gallon by summer time. Sounds like we have to start looking at drilling our own oil and you know what that means right, we might have to start looking at Alaska or looking at alternate means of getting around because I don’t know about you but $5.00 a gallon is going to hurt the pocket. I do remember the rise in gas back in 2008 and that hurt but it did not last that long but it was under different circumstances. There are just too many “what ifs” about what is going on over in the Middle East.

What are your thoughts?

Oil price passes $99 per barrel - Yahoo! Finance

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