Monday, June 19, 2006

Michigan Washout: My Thoughts and Opinions...

Doesn't this guy look excited???

Well that is how I felt right after they called the race because of rain. Don't get me wrong, the racing up to that point was fantastic. Seeing side by side racing with Jeff Gordon & Dale Jr, drivers going 4 and 5 wide into the turns, the races off of pit road..what more could you ask for? I will tell you and here are some of my thoughts for the Fox Broadcasting Crew and the events up to the start of the race:

1. Are the Fox guys getting short timer attitudes? I mean I know they hand it off to NBC after the Pepsi 400, but it just seems they are not enthusiastic about things. The only one I really see getting into the race is Larry Mac but that is just his attitude towards the sport which I greatly appreciate it.

2. Greg Biffle and his 10 Laps with Fox. I don't know about you Greg but it seems you got short changed on your questions, maybe Chris Meyers needs remedial Math.

3. How exciting is it to watch Darryl Waltrip do burn outs? Is he practicing for what he thinks will be his celebration at Martinsville when he drives the Aaron's Dream Machine? Darryl, just stick to the booth and your funny Toyota commericals.

4. When someone tells you that there is 4 hours of daylight left when there is a rain delay to get the race in, just change your station on your station on the TV right away. That is a hint that the race is going to be cancelled. Just a sad way to keep the viewers to stick around to what will be a major disappointment.

5. Was I missing something when they sang the Canadian National Anthem?

6. I may not be the smartest man alive but really, how many people don't understand how an oil filter and air filter work? Jeff Hammond, next time pick something out on your cut away car that might be beneficial to more people in their understanding of how the Cup cars work.

7. On a postive note: Bravo to Adam Sadler in his command to start engines, that was the BEST one to date.

8. I was glad to see that Dick Bergren did not go and try to interview Tony Stewart after his wreck. Maybe that sledge hammer in Tony's hand was an incentive to stay away. I give credit to Tony for maintaining his composure after that accident despite his little spin out in the garage area. He took out his frustrations by working on his car. This should give the media a great idea...Let the driver cool down before you go up to him right after he has been wrecked.

All in all, I enjoyed the fast racing at MIS. It sure did make some exciting moments.


Clance' McClannahan said...

It was a great race to watch. I enjoyed it a lot.
I thought Tony handled the whole Jeff Green thing very well. After DJ's issue with him earlier in the season... Tony is left handed. I was expecting a right handed hammering on Green as sson as Smoke was done with the car. Maybe the physical beating of the car allowed the venting of the anger to dissapate.

RC said...

I'm glad they didn't bother Tony immediatley also. Although that little comment about him being furious after the wreck wasn't needed, but I guess that's the media for you, huh?

I was a bit confused by the Canadian Anthem as well. I mean, I would have understood if the race was in Canada...

I think a lot of people are getting jipped with 10 Laps With... I don't think I've seen 10 questions in a long time.

And to that I say, bring on NBC! lol

Great post Tom!

Anonymous said...

As a Cannuck I did appreciate the anthem, but I agree it made no sense. But aren't we frenchman known to be a bit backwards anyway? :-)

Rusty said...

Well, Michigan IS close to Canada...I'm sure a lot of Canadian fans were there. I have three friends in Canada who are fans, and they were thrilled.

As I mentioned in my own race report, I was extremely impressed with Tony's composure in his interview about the wreck. He obvsiouly was angry (his little garage area spinout showed that), but by the time they interviewed him, he was sweet as a kitten. A new Tony emerging? Who knows?

I thought the race was great, and would have liked to see more of it.

I also would have liked to see more than 6 questions with The Biff, but they only ever do about 6 or 7 of them. I had to go watch Elliott's full interview online after his was on. (I just LOVE that accent!)

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