Thursday, November 09, 2006

A Crazy Election

"You can be Secretary of the Offense, you'll be Secretary of the Inferior, and I'll be Toastmaster General!"

After seeing the results of election day here in Connecticut and also across the country, I am happy that they are done and over with finally. Now we can actually watch television without the worry of seeing those commercials of our government officials talking trash about one another. Was it me or was it just childish? I found watching the home shopping network more exciting to watch during the debates.

As we all know, they are just letting us hear what we want to hear. We know how a house that is ruled by the Democrats. Hmm, makes you wonder if all those campaign promises of our troops coming home if they take over the house will ever happen. I don't see it. That is why this whole political situation is a scam. They say one thing and then do another. We do not live in a perfect world. We do have it the best out of any other country in the world but give me a break. I suppose if a politician actually told the truth, he would never get elected.

Are we ready for a female Speaker of the House? Don't get me wrong, I am all for equality but just keep this in mind. If the President and Vice-President just so happen to be in a freak accident, you do know who is 3rd in line right? You got it, the Speaker of the House. Do you think that Hilliary Clinton would be jealous of Nancy Pelosi? Hey Hilliary, if you play your cards right, she may ask you to be the Vice President. Now there is a concept, a woman President and Vice-President. How do you think things would go?

Tuesday night really ticked me off. All the major TV stations were carrying the live broadcasts from the winners campaign headquarters starting around 9pm and didn't finish till after 11pm. I missed one of my favorite shows, Boston Legal. What bothered me the most was who really cares to listen to that music playing at their headquarters as their victory songs. Who cares about the victory speeches and thanking of the mothers and families and so on and so on. Accept your victory and carry on. Put the ticker on the bottom of the TV announcing who won, but geesh it was bad enough to flood the airwaves with all the commericals but now cutting into shows. It is a crazy, crazy world we live in. Thank goodness NASCAR was not racing, now there would be some upset fans in the audience, don't you think?

I am a Tom Fuller and I approve this message!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In my opinion the political messages on TV commercials and debates that "trash" their oponent(s) is a very immature way to gain respect and votes. Unfortunately, people do enjoy a good fight from time to time and when the dirt comes flying out...well most people will bend an ear. Actions speak louder than words and we are always in hopes that there will be a politician who will be true to his or her word---fingers crossed. I will say this...I wouldn't want any politician's job and give them some credit for putting their personal lives on hold.

Personally, being in the spotlight tends to get a little draining for me and I do prefer to stay in dim candle light myself :)

As far a a woman holding the big office, it CAN and WILL be done one day. I am proud to say that last November the city I live voted into office their first female Mayor and she is doing a spectacular job! She inherited a huge financial debt and one year later we are in the black for the first time in many, many years.

Oh it wasn't easy cutting the budget, laying off city employees, etc and sometimes not the most popular decisions, but she did the job she was voted to do. A mother of 3 who attends her daughter's soccer games and an extremely supportive husband. Kudos Mayor Kimberly!! I am proud to say I voted for this woman and not because she is a woman---because she was the best person for the job.

I am also proud to say that Massachusetts has it's first black Governor and second of the nation since Reconstruction beating out Kerry Healey of Beverly.

Whether a man, a woman or Sponge Bob Squarepants...we all have something to share in this world.

My thoughts and prayers go out to our troops and their families that they come home quickly and safely.

I do know this much. If Hillary Clinton was elected Vice President I guarantee that the GOOD cigars would be locked away for "special guests"

I am LuvThat99 and approve of this message!

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